Avon Sailing Club
Over the previous 70 years Trophies have been purchased by the club or members, either to be presented for a give race series or events or even presented at the commodore’s discretion.
As types of boats have changed over the years,  trophies have been retired or reassigned to other competitions
However a record of all names having won a trophy can be found below
2022 Name TrophyAwarded ForImage
Holt Nick Avon Bell Series of individual races for dinghies with RYA Yardstick Numbers but not in Clubs preferred classes / Lasers One-day series of 3 races for boats
Holt Nick Easter Points Awarded For ?
Hughes Aaron Mugs Mug .
Keighley George D Aniversary Trophy 50th Long Distance Race (no easement)
Keighley George D Aniversary Shield 21st Long distance handicap in which helms receives age related handicap easement
Keighley George D Autumn Handicap Series ?
Keighley Luke Dick Trophy Handicap race on a simple course in which all helmsmen shall be under 14 on the 1st January and all crew shall be eligible juniors.
Keighley Luke Junior Points Shield .
Keighley Luke August Bank Holiday Points August Bank Holiday Points
Keighley Peter & Luke Keighley Wardle Trophy Raced for one at of the clubs each year
Keighley Peter / Ella Keighley Long Distance Handicap Long Distance Handicap race
Keighley Peter / Ella Keighley Champion of Champions .
Lashford Alina Spring Handicap Points Shield .
Lucas Fiona Ladies Race Awarded For ?
Lucas Paul Wells Memorial / Applejack Trophy Handicap race held on fathers day. Applejack Memorial Trophy Also known as the John Wells memorial Plate.
Lucas Paul May Day Series Awarded For ?
Lutton Jacob Junior Trophy Series of 2 handicap races in which all helmsmen and crew must be eligible to sail as Juniors this season.
Lutton Jacob Commodores Cup Presented to the most deserving Person as agreed by the Commodore
Lynall Anthony J. White Bear Trophy Short series of races normally on the first meeting of the season Donated by The White Bear Hotel, Tewkesbury, in which the club was formed 1949
Miller Richard / Lashford Tracy Double Hander Handicap Awarded For ?
Tracy Lashford Deyes Trophy Emma and Jenny Deyes kindly donated this trophy. To be presented to the most improved girl. Later opened up to be presented to a female as decided by the commodore/committee.
Warren Andrew G. Midsummer Handicap Awarded For ?
White Christan BBQ Series Founders Cup Awarded For ?
White Matt Chaceley Cannon One day series of 3 races for Solos
Wood John Summer Pursuit Trophy .
Wood John Barts Bash Barts Bash
Wood John Early Summer Pursuit Awarded For ?
Wood John Winter Points Cup Open to members from other clubs for a fee Presented by Phil Rowley Hon Sailing Secretary 1967
© Avon Sailing Club 2025